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Surya Namaskar - a Tale of Sun Salutation

Surya Namaskar has been practiced for centuries by yogis seeking union with nature's divine energy.

Legend has it that Surya Namaskar was gifted to us by Lord Shiva himself. It is said that he observed how deeply connected humans are to the sun's radiant energy. Inspired by this realisation, Lord Shiva created this sequence as a way for us to honor and harness this cosmic force within ourselves.

Surya Namaskar was traditionally practiced at sunrise facing eastward when the first rays of sunlight gently kissed our planet. It was believed that during these early hours, our bodies were more receptive to absorbing solar energy.

Surya Namaskar is a sequence of 12 postures. As we move through each posture in Surya Namaskar we activate various energy channels within our body known as nadis. One such nadi is Pingala Nadi which represents solar energy or 'ha' principle in yogic philosophy of HaTha Yoga."

Surya Namaskar helps balance and harmonize our physical body systems. The dynamic movements strengthen muscles while improving flexibility and posture.

Mentally Surya Namaskar brings clarity and focus to the mind. It calms our thoughts, reducing stress and anxiety, allowing us to experience a deep sense of inner peace.

Energetically this practice activates the solar plexus chakra - the energy center associated with personal power and confidence. By connecting with this energy, we can tap into our innate strength and vitality.

Surya Namaskar is not just an exercise. It is a sacred practice that transcends physicality. It connects us to something greater than ourselves – the sun's life-giving energy.

Our connection with the sun runs deeper than we realize."Just as plants rely on sunlight for growth, we too are nourished by its presence. Through Surya Namaskar, we honor this profound connection and awaken our own inner light.

And so let's begin our collective exploration of this ancient practice that connects us not only to our own-self but also to the radiant energy of the sun that shines within each one of us.

Join us at Surya Namaskar Workshop happening in Costa Rica to learn the powerful practice of Surya Namaskar -

~ Namaskar ~

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